Monday, October 31, 2016

How Does Blogger Work In Creating Websites?

One sure thing is this, Blogger is extremely easy to use when it come to creating a blog. The platform is easy to understand and easy to explore, you do not need any technical knowledge or specialized training to create your website and broadcast your ideas and information to the world.

How To Get Started
The first thing to do is to create a gmail account. If you have a gmail account already, then you already have access to the blogger platform because blogger is an integral part of the gmail package. Everyone who successfully registered a gmail account have access to a load of benefits that last for a lifetime if the account holder plays according to rule. If you don't play according to rule by trying to trick the system, your valuable accounts maybe banned and canceled.

With your gmail account come many products like youtube, google plus,playstore, Adsense, Adwords, and many more which include my object of discussion, blogger. These products are potentially yours, but you need to put a demand on each of them for you to enjoy them. Even though you have opportunity and right to blogger, you will need to register your intension by going to to sign in with your gmail account to have access to the platform. Although it is possible to create a website or blog on the blogger platform using yahoomail or other email provider, but it is very convenient to register a gmail and sign in with your gmail account.

Registering a gmail account is easy and will not take more than five minutes.Now that you have your gmail account, go to and sign in with your gmail account and follow the instruction to get started with your blog or website creation.

My youtube channel titled "Website Creation Course" (this is the link to it The channel is loaded with videos that shows you a-z of using blogger to create website and its free for you to access. Go to my youtube channel now and first subscribe, then Watch this video which I recorded to guide you in the process of starting or creating your first blog. Click this link now to watch how to do it
This shows you what to do after signing in to blogger with your gmail address.

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