Thursday, September 8, 2016

How To Generate The Power To Do And Become (Part 2)

The next thing we are told to think about is honesty. He said we should think on anything that is honest. IF YOU THINK THAT YOU DO NOT HAVE POWER TO DO A JOB, YOU WILL BE SURPRISED THAT SOME WHO ARE MUCH WEAKER THAN YOU ARE GETTING THE JOB DONE. Why? How? They believe they could do it. When you think you cannot, you are not honest, because you can do all things. When you think that someone else have amassed all the wealth you could ever dream to achieve and there is nothing you can do, you are not being honest. This is true because no man can ever take your blessing, no man can ever take your position. True, your position at your work place may be given to someone else, but nobody can give your position in life to someone else. If a door closes, it is because God have a better door in mind, but he needs you to think the truth, and to think honestly about yourself that you can do it.

This world is full of opportunities, if one is lost, there are so many others. Now, to think miserably and negatively because of a lost opportunity is to be blinded to the honesty of God's ability to bless you. It is not an honest thought if you believe that anybody is better than you. Dishonest thoughts are the ones that believes that God love one person more than the other, it is false and eroneous for you to think that you can never do or become what any other man has done or become. There is nothing any man had done on the face of the earth that you cannot do, even better. To put down yourself or write yourself off is to be dishonest to the power and ability God gave to you. Stop thinking dishonest thoughts and you will be surprised how God will move you forward in life.

The next thing we are told to think about is whatsoever is just. I want you to understand that God is just and impatial. He equipped every man with the same ability and potential. If that is true, it is not just for one to be rich and other poor, but God is just. When you underestimate yourself and think that only a few people have a right to money but not you, that thought is unjust thought, God wants you to get rid of it in your mind today. If any man can do anything, you can, and if any man can become anything, you can too. It is only just if I can do and get whatever you can get without cheating or harming anyone in the process.

This also implies that you think about getting your wealth the honest and just way. You do not need to cause another person to weep because you want to get rich, You do not have to get rich in a fraudulent manner making others poorer, that is not just. Real wealth acquired the godly way always make everyone involved getting richer and happier. Any thought or plan for wealth that undermines, or steals from other human being is unjust and will sooner or later receive the punishment due. There are millions of things and businesses you can honestly do to amass great wealth justly and legitimately. Think on those honest and just businesses, works or jobs.

Pure and Lovely
The scriptures above also admonished us to think on whatsoever is pure and lovely. Some married people always think about their partners cheating on them. This thought about your spouse is not pure, and of course its not lovely. Any man thinking that his wife is having extra marital affairs with another man outside is not helping his marriage because, one way or the other those thoughts could find expression in reality. Some men get into affairs they never planned because their wives are thinking daily that they are doing it. You may not believe it but it is true. When you think everyday that your husband is cheating on you, one way or the other, if you do not stop those thoughts, they will become reality. That is how powerful our thoughts are, hence God says, think on pure things, think on lovely things.

It is also true of our children, when we refuse to trust them, doubting them and refusing to allow them freedom we are not helping them. We need to free our minds and think pure thoughts about our children. We need to think lovely thoughts about them, believing that God who helped us to overcome the temptations when we were of their age will also help them. If God helped you when you were younger then the same God will help them if you commit them to Him. So think pure and lovely thoughts about your spouse, children, business partners and everything around you and you shall be a step further in your quest for all round success in life.

I cannot fail to explain the danger of thinking impure thoughts about other people. Maybe someone is a co-worker and he seems to be doing well and favored by the authority, do not envy or think bad about him. When you think bad about someone because he is doing well, then you are creating roadblocks to your well being. The best way to excel in life is not to curse the competitors, or think evil of them, or embark on character deformation against them. What you think about good people have a way of coming back to you, that is the reason mentorees get the kinds of blessings their mentors possess. When you think well of those who are doing well, you will do well. Lovely thoughts are those thoughts that think good about other people whether you consider them your competitors or enemies.

Have you ever wondered why Jesus Christ our Lord commanded us to pray for our enemies? When you pray for your enemies, you do not have time to think evil against them. Thinking evil against progressive souls is a dangerous adventure, don't do it, ever. Do not think evil against religious leaders or openly speak ill of them, it is an act of ignorance, as you read this, make it a part of your lifestyle that you will never do it.

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