Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Success Is Not By Struggling

This whole wide world is a mystery of some sort. When I was growing up as a young man, I always wondered about this world and many questions in my heart begging for answers. For instance, I have seen very brilliant students going out of school with high hopes but these have ended up in life as big failures. They succeeded in school but failed in life, I did not understand why; I did not understand that you can solve mathematical problems but may not be able to solve the problems of life. There are so many things on earth that defiles logic and common sense thinking, weak people become rich while strong and agile people become poor, I could not understand it. Why should some people struggle endlessly till death and still leave this world as objects of pity? It is because they do not understand the  mystery of problems.

In life the ball game is different from the traditional school setting. To overcome problems and win life's battles, you need to be very focused and know what you really want out of life. Those who succeed are those who are never tired of trying, they are not afraid of making mistakes, they are not afraid of taking risk. These are the ones that succeed.

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Success: How Youtube Can Make You Successful

Dear Reader, I welcome you to Triggers For Success, a place where I show people those things that can make them successful in life. In this write up, I want to show you how to make a success from the youtube phenomenon.

Youtube is a place where you get free videos to watch, there are free videos from every department of life. there are videos that educates, some are entertaining, some are motivational, some are scientific, some are aimed at developing the business acumen in people. Everyday millions of new videos are uploaded, and you will get helpful videos on any subject matter that you are looking for on youtube. In fact, youtube is said ti be the largest video website on planet earth and if you look closely at the way youtube operates, you will not wonder for long why youtube is the largest video company on earth.

Viewers love youtube because of the flexibility and availability of different kinds of video on all subject matters, and for the fact that most of these video are free. On the other hand, video makers love youtube because they get reward for their labour. Any video uploaded to youtube is potentially available every where in the world. A video can go viral in just a few months of uploading it to their platform, and millions of viewers around the world will be watching the video every day. I uploaded a video and got more than one thousand views in two days, it went viral and now has more than one hundred and twenty thousand views in less than three months, making me more than $200 during the period.

Monday, August 29, 2016

Where The Power Of Man Is Generated

Much like the electric generator that generates electricity, the mind of man generates the power in man that he needs to succeed in everything. Man's power comes from his heart as he thinks, his success (and or) failure depends on how he thinks and what he thinks about. In this write up, I want to impress on your mind this eternal truth that your though is what makes you what you are right now.

Everything a man make with his hand was first made in his heart by thinking thoroughly about it. The house must be first sketched on paper before construction can begin, the modern cars are planned and drawn on paper before the manufacturing commences. Any successful enterprise engaged by man must necessarily start as a though form. Nothing exist in this world but that it first existed in a man's thought. The cars, beautiful houses, cities, airplanes, trains, phones, and every single thing you see all around you was first created in a man's mind in thought form. Nothing can be created if it was not created in man as a thought.

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

How I began To Make Money From Youtube

I remember that I stumbled on YouTube by mistake in year 2009, precisely 28th of March. I bought this new computer with a webcam and after playing with some mock recordings of my preaching of 2.48 minutes, there was an option to upload it to YouTube. Wow! YouTube? What is YouTube for God's sake? Okay, let me upload to this YouTube whatever it is, let me see what will come out of this upload. I uploaded my first video it took almost forever before the upload was finalized and I was told my video is now online on YouTube. I checked YouTube, saw my video life and real online, I decided to record another message, uploaded it the same day and promptly, it was uploaded. Wow! Was I dreaming? I have a gateway to preach to the world through YouTube.

I forgot all about it until the 8th of April of the same year when I recorded with my laptop and uploaded other videos. I was surprise when in 2011, a friend called from the United States telling me he watched my videos on YouTube. My Videos? So this is real, I went back to YouTube uploaded some more videos. Surprisingly in 2012, Someone called me from London telling me she watched my YouTube video and was blessed and now she was sending me a token of ten thousand naira to support the ministry. Really? This can't be true, you mean the videos I created like joke, what I did trying to just play away the time, somebody is sending ten thousand Naira (Nigeria Money) to appreciate what was not articulated or planned.

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Getting A Good Job

One day, I was traveling from Lagos, Nigeria, to Johannesburg, South Africa,
and somebody pulled my jacket from behind and greeted me. Wow! I could not
believe my eyes, It was a man that used to come to my office to beg for
money, always complaining that there is no job to do. He had been looking for
job but did not succeed. I told him one day, there is job everywhere only
that you have not seen it. I told him to take his eyes away from getting a
salary job, but concentrate his thought on how to meet a human need. He
heeded that advise and started selling scraps, now, he is so rich. He was on
his way to London for a two weeks holiday when I saw him.

This world is so big and full of resources that no man on earth can do
everything he needs to make his life good and comfortable without needing
inputs from others. Division of labour is a system that has helped this world
to develop tremendously in the last two hundred years. It is very easy for
anybody to succeed in our world today because all you need is to master an
art, and as long as this art is going to add something of value to another
human being, then, you are going to be successful. Succeeding greatly in life
does not demand that you know everything, It only demand that you know
something, and since the saying is true that no knowledge is wasted, you will
always find something good to do with what you know.

Monday, August 22, 2016

Solving the Problem of Getting a Job

Most of the problems plaguing man today on this planet is related to monetary issues. Problems becomes easier to manage when we have money to spend. When there is money, your children can go to the best schools in the world, you will be able to afford the best medical facilities for your family. Money is nothing but the reward we get for services or products rendered. Money is the accepted general legal tender for the purchasing of goods and services. This implies that money will come to you when you have a product or a service to render to people.

The easiest way to render your service in exchange for a good monetary reward is for you to get a regular paying job. Today, the job market is saturated and some people in all the countries of the world are complaining about the inability of the government to provide jobs for all those who want jobs. To this end, getting a job is now the survival of the fittest.

Sunday, August 21, 2016

Inventing The Money Machine

Money has changed the way people live on planet earth. there are different definitions and perceptions about money by different people all around the world. In fact money is the secret reason for most of the actions of the children of men in the land of the living, What is money? It is the acceptable medium of exchange. We have to remember that money had not always existed on planet earth, we (humans) came to agree to accept money as the legal tender for purchase of goods and services, an arrangement that was perceived to be better than the trade by batter which was in common use. Indeed, the use of money has eased the way we do business, simplified our lifestyles, encouraged division of labour and increased professionalism.

Let us flash back to the point in time in the history of mankind on planet earth, at that time when money had not been discovered and accepted as the legal tender and means of doing business. Life was difficult and stressful

Saturday, August 20, 2016

The Money Inside You

Money is very important in our day to day activities in this life, almost everything we do involves the use of money in one way or the other. There seem to be nothing that can be done in this present world without using money. If you look well and consider the system of this world you will find my claim to be really true. If you have a child in school, you need to spend money to help that child understand and learn in this modern, highly technical world.

The issue of money has brought a lot of changes into the way life is lived on planet earth. In many developing countries of the world, many unspeakable things are daily happening because of people's desperate need and quest for more money without been ready to do legitimate work to earn the money they so desperately desire to have. Can you imagine a father who is ready to sacrifice or use his only son for rituals that will be producing money in a diabolical manner? In the third world, we have seen and heard about cases of husbands using their wives for money rituals and vice-versa, mother using her child, brother or sister using his or her siblings for ritual to get wealth without any rigors.

Friday, August 19, 2016

Is Anyone Disadvantaged From Getting Rich?

From my own experience of interacting with poor people, the complaint and excuse is always lack of opportunity or luck. Many poor people believe that riches and wealth is only a matter of luck, and those who are rich are only lucky to be so. Let me correct this idea that opportunity to be wealthy or rich is limited, no, the opportunity to be rich in this world is unlimited and open to all who are willing to exploit them. The opportunities are so limitless that anyone, male or female, black or white, from any race or ethnic origin can rise from the poorest of the poor to become one of the richest men on the face of the earth.

A look at the universe will show you the riches of God's creation, the vastness of the earth will confirm to you that there are too many opportunities yet untapped. The universe contains about one billion galaxies of stars. Each galaxy contains more than one billion stars, the sun to which the earth revolves belongs to the galaxy of stars called the Milky Way. This Milky Way galaxy is said to contain about one hundred billion stars, and the sun of our solar system is just one of the stars. There are mega stars, far bigger than the sun. This star we call the sun is having a solar system of which nine planets including the earth revolve, the earth is so tiny in size compared to the bigness of the sun. The sun is said to be more than a million times bigger than the earth. All these are in the universe created by God. Why did God create all these? To show man the vastness of resources and opportunities.

When Money fails

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Thursday, August 18, 2016

From Poverty To Prosperity

No matter how poor you are today, as long as you can follow the instructions in this write up, you will certainly transform from poverty to prosperity. Poverty is the state of lack of very essential material things of life that is daily needed to live a good and comfortable life. Poverty begins in the mind and when the state of mind has been iron clad to believe and receive poverty as a reality, the result is always lack of good things of life. A poor man spends more money than he earns and so he is almost always in debt. You see, debt is the hall mark of poverty, and until you have a plan of earning more money than you spend, you are poor.

In the same vein, prosperity is the possession of abundance of materials that are needed to live a good and comfortable life. It is the ability to earn more money without stress and multiply the money earned with the passing of every day. A prosperous man earn more money than he spends, no matter how lavishly he spends, his income grows exponentially. Prosperity is the ability to produce riches and wealth, and this ability is in every man that is living on the face of the earth including you that is reading this piece. You read that correctly, every man alive have the ability on the inside of him to produce wealth if he manage to know what to do and do it. What you need to do to produce wealth is what I set out to teach you in this write up.

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Why You Need To Become Rich

Native home with Yapese money stones indicatin...
Native home with Yapese money stones indicating great wealth.  (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
When they say "Money rules the world", I naturally agree with the statement to a large extent. Why is money rulling the world? it is simply because with more money you live better. Yes, you live better because you can afford anything you desire, meaning that life will become more comfortable. The first car I used was Volkswagen beetle, after that I used several types of cars, but when I bought the Mercedes Benz 230, the drive and feel is different. The more money you have, the more quality things you buy, the better enjoyment and the longer you enjoy those things. For example, a cheap shoe may last for six months to a year, but a quality and expensive shoe will last for years to come. This tells me that it is economically better to buy a very expensive shoe that will last me for years than a cheap one that will pack up in six month's time, that will mean buying new shoes every six months to one year.

Don't Do This If You Want To Succeed

Beyond Fear (album)
Beyond Fear (album) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
If you want to learn how to become successful in life the starting point is to first learn what you must never do if you really truly desire success in life. In this write up, I will give you at least five important things you must never do if you want your life to end up as a celebrated success.

Never allow other people to run your life for you:
Manage your life yourself; you are the only one in control, not your dad or mum, not your best friend. The implication of any serious mistake will only be burnt by you, so be wise. Do what you want and desire not what other people expect of you, never surrender to the dictates of second class people. Please remember this that you should never base your decision on what anybody expects of you. Be solidly in control of your life, of your own affairs. In the Bible, King Saul of Israel got into trouble when she listened to people’s opinion about not killing Agag the king of Amalekites, and sparing the good things of the land. God had earlier on commanded him to destroy everything in that city, but he allowed other people’s opinion to destroy his destiny. You should never fall into this trap.

Monday, August 15, 2016

Riches And Wealth: Your Right To Be Rich

English: Old Henllan (7) A strange conjunction...
English: Old Henllan (7) A strange conjunction: the mid-C20 oil refinery glimpsed through the (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
To be rich is to have more than enough money and materials that you need to live a good and comfortable life. In this world money is what is used for the exchange of goods and services. it is convenient for everyone on earth to market his skill or talent for money and use the same for anything he needs. Man's needs are insatiable but most of the needs can easily be met if there is sufficient money in hand. Someone says, "Money rules the world" and I am tempted to agree with that. Although, money cannot answer all things but as this world stands today, money solves more than ninety percent of man's problems.

Money is neither good nor bad, it is just like a faithful servant that goes on errand for people. It gets you whatever you want and never fails to deliver, failure to get what you want only comes when you do not have sufficient money. This implies that a man must have means of getting rich in other to enjoy his life. There are so many ways of getting rich legally, anyone who wants a good life must learn the art of earning big. It is impossible to enjoy life and be satisfied without having sufficient money in the pocket.

Friday, August 12, 2016

The Free World: Is Anything Free In This World?

Leaders of the Free World
Leaders of the Free World (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
It is very natural and common for people to want to get things for free and live without any caution or discipline of law. People want freedom to do anything they like, and go anywhere they like. They hate to be told what to do and how to do things and this kind of attitude have led many to failure and sometimes to early grave. This is a childlike attitude, a child wants to eat sugar alone, but the adult helps the child to control his diet for a healthy living. Freedom is the ability to discipline yourself to do only those things that will help you to move forward in life.

There is one thing though about freedom, and that is the fact that it becomes something else when your freedom becomes a burden to other people. Any freedom you express that is causing headache to another person is not freedom at all, it is now an oppression of other people. When you use your freedom to earn and enjoy money to rob other people of their labour or hard earned money, you are not doing a good service to mankind. Freedom is freedom indeed when it does not infringe on other people's right. It is a free world for all, not just for you, consideration must be given to others.

Thursday, August 11, 2016

The Big Thing About Faith

English: Annie Lobert is the founder of Hooker...
English: Annie Lobert is the founder of Hookers for Jesus (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Faith is believing that you will definitely get what you desire. A man of faith may not understand how it will happen, but he believes that somehow, it will. In fact, many times, you don't need to understand how it will happen. This is because many people get lost and discouraged in a bid to figure out how it will happen. This does not mean you should abandon every logical thinking; but it means as you try to figure it out and you still don't see the way out, you never stop believing that it will happen.

Faith works better when it rests on God and your own ability to get the job done. This implies that you believe that God is there helping you, and that you can do all things through Christ that helps you. It will not work if you believe that God will help you but don't believe in your own ability to turn things around. In the same way, if you believe in your own ability but do not believe in the help from above, you will fail woefully. This point is very important as man is given power to subdue the earth and have dominion over all the earth. This power is given by God and it is only wise for the man to recognize God, the Giver of this ability each time he exercises the dominion. When any man recognizes the source of his power and authority and acknowledges this, God increases his ability. Remember that God is the intelligent being behind the universe, He knows when you rely on Him and when you refuse to rely on Him.

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Why People Fail?

English: An anxious person
English: An anxious person (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
One of the greatest causes of failure is not knowing what you want. You will be surprised if you ask one hundred people what they will do with one million dollars if they are given right now. The response of more than eighty of them will baffle you. They don't know what to do with the money because they have never desired or bargain to get such huge amount. Many others will want to do funny things that will make the money vanish in less than three months. A guy was introduced to me during my first week in South Africa, he needed help of small amount of money which I was glad to help with. This guy began to tell me how he had won about one million rand in lottery but became broke again in less than six months.

Monday, August 8, 2016

Secrets of Making Wealth

American business executive and philanthropist...
American business executive and philanthropist Julius Rosenwald (1882-1932) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
You have to realize the fact that if conscious effort and plan is not made, amassing great wealth is not possible in this world. If you don’t have any plan to make money, you will never be rich.

Important points to note: If you truly want to become wealthy, then it is advisable for you to note the following points.

Choose your friends with care, your friends’ matters. Show me your friend and I will tell you who you are, this is a very popular proverb which I love. Friends that you keep can influence your ability to make wealth.

Gifts will not (and cannot) make you wealthy. If you want to be wealthy, you must graduate from going to friends and family to beg for things in other to survive. Living on people will not make you wealthy, no matter how rich your benefactor is. Get out and work with your hand, get alone and allow divine ideas to flow, make use of these ideas that God is bringing to your mind.

Why Do Some Succeed And Others Fail?

If it is true that we are given the same power and no one has more power than the others, why is it that some are succeeding in life while others are failing in life. I have proved earlier that God's blessings on Adam, the first man is a blessing on the human race and since all of us were potentially in Adam when the blessing was released, it follows that the blessing is yours as well as mine.

This blessing is certain power in everyone of us. The power is used by us everyday, for many people, the power is used unconsciously. Nothing can be done without the use of this power, sometimes we use it consciously and we see the positive result, this power is within every human being and it procceeds from our minds, through our thinking. We can use it constructively or destructively, we can use it to build our life, health, wealth, promotion, good reputation, success, flamboyant family love life. Or we can use it to destroy our life, get poor health, poverty, stagnation, bad reputation, failure and family full of hatred. The same power that produces wealth in great men is what produces poverty in poor men. The Bible says in the book of Proverbs 4:23, "Keep your heart with all dilligence, for out of it flows the forces of life"

Saturday, August 6, 2016

How To Use The Power Within You

Every human being born on the planet earth have power that will enable him to get whatever he wants and enjoy this life for as long as he wants. This truth may baffle you, no human being has more power than the other, human life is the same, black or white. All human beings are created by God and are equally empowered by him to get whatever they want on planet earth. This is very clear when you study history of man and study nature. No man is more endowed than the other, when you see a man who is advancing more than his fello human being, you are looking at a man who has paid the prize.

Let me start by reminding you the beginning of man in the book of Genesis chapter 1. God made man after He had created all things that man would ever need to be successful and enjoy his gift of life from God. Remember that man was created last, his shelter was created first, then his food was created in different forms. Man was created and commissioned by God to live a full life devoid of stress and oppression of any form. We are told in the Bible that God bless man, meaning mankind because future men are potentially inside the first man.