I forgot all about it until the 8th of April of the same year when I recorded with my laptop and uploaded other videos. I was surprise when in 2011, a friend called from the United States telling me he watched my videos on YouTube. My Videos? So this is real, I went back to YouTube uploaded some more videos. Surprisingly in 2012, Someone called me from London telling me she watched my YouTube video and was blessed and now she was sending me a token of ten thousand naira to support the ministry. Really? This can't be true, you mean the videos I created like joke, what I did trying to just play away the time, somebody is sending ten thousand Naira (Nigeria Money) to appreciate what was not articulated or planned.
I said to myself, if someone can appreciate an unplanned message on YouTube and send me ten thousand naira unsolicited, what will happen if I give it my time and attention? There and then I recorded some twelve to fifteen messages and uploaded them in the days following. three months later, a man and his wife had watched my message on YouTube titled, "Impossibility Doesn't Exist".
They were blessed and believed God for a child, the wife believed in God and got pregnant, they called me to share the testimony and as a sign of appreciation, they were sending an amount equivalent to N50,000 that same day, just to support the ministry. Was I dreaming? You mean this YouTube is this powerful? I was excited not just because of N50,000 but because of the possibilities in using YouTube. I kept on uploading, after uploading a total of about 40 videos, all preaching Jesus and encouraging people to stand fast in the Lord, I got fed up again.
December 2015, I became so broke, I was praying and thinking on how to generate finances to support my children's school and all other expenses. I sat in front of my computer typing the prayer bulletin for the next Sunday dated 20th of December, 2015 when suddenly something said, you can generate money with your YouTube channel. What? How on earth can I do that? I have uploaded more than 40 videos, the total views in six years was just about 1,000, how can I make steady money with that? I followed my heart, did some research and found out that I had been really missing real cool money with my YouTube channel. I had the pot of gold on my hands mut did not know how to get the gold out of the pot.
First I discovered that I can make money with my YouTube channel with or without filming, recording anything and uploading any videos from my own effort. Wow! this is insane, its impossible! But, look here, its true, its real, I can get videos without recording mine, use those videos and remix them on the YouTube editor platform and upload them from YouTube achive to my channel and have them become my own intellectual property provided I follow all the rules. These remixed videos are mine and if done properly according to rule, they can begin to work for me and earn real cool money for me on a daily basis.
I decided to test it out, I remixed my first video, then another, then another and so on. The result, I had remixed seven videos in three days and surprise came, my views increased drastically from just about 1,000 plus view to more than 3,000 plus view in seven days of my new discovery. Listen to this, for six years, I had 1,000 views on 40 videos, but in seven days, I had 3,000 plus views on seven remixed videos with those other 40 earlier mentioned. wow! This is incredible, I had stumbled on gold, I had discovered a secret to YouTube wealth, I am now to keep duplicating the same process and sure enough, I will begin to smile to the bank as I collect Google check every month.
Prior to December 18th 2015, I never knew that you could monetize your videos on YouTube. I decided to monetize all my videos and by the 31st of January, I had made $58 and by the time of writing, My AdSense earning had jumped to $240 as of 25th of February 2016. You too can begin to earn if you can take time to do it now
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