Thursday, September 8, 2016

How To Generate The Power To Do And Become (Part 2)

The next thing we are told to think about is honesty. He said we should think on anything that is honest. IF YOU THINK THAT YOU DO NOT HAVE POWER TO DO A JOB, YOU WILL BE SURPRISED THAT SOME WHO ARE MUCH WEAKER THAN YOU ARE GETTING THE JOB DONE. Why? How? They believe they could do it. When you think you cannot, you are not honest, because you can do all things. When you think that someone else have amassed all the wealth you could ever dream to achieve and there is nothing you can do, you are not being honest. This is true because no man can ever take your blessing, no man can ever take your position. True, your position at your work place may be given to someone else, but nobody can give your position in life to someone else. If a door closes, it is because God have a better door in mind, but he needs you to think the truth, and to think honestly about yourself that you can do it.

This world is full of opportunities, if one is lost, there are so many others. Now, to think miserably and negatively because of a lost opportunity is to be blinded to the honesty of God's ability to bless you. It is not an honest thought if you believe that anybody is better than you. Dishonest thoughts are the ones that believes that God love one person more than the other, it is false and eroneous for you to think that you can never do or become what any other man has done or become. There is nothing any man had done on the face of the earth that you cannot do, even better. To put down yourself or write yourself off is to be dishonest to the power and ability God gave to you. Stop thinking dishonest thoughts and you will be surprised how God will move you forward in life.

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

How To Generate Power To Do And Become (Part 1)

The power in man to be and to do is located in his heart. This information is very important for you to note because when you know where the power in you is located, you simply focus on that area and use the power. No man can fail if he can use a small percentage of the power in him, because there is no single man on the face of the earth that is wired by God to fail. When you see a man that fail in life, recognize the fact that such a man did not use all the resources God gave him correctly.

You may say to me, "But, I tried all my best but I still did not make it. Yes, it may be true that you tried your best, you struggled, you worked, you even sweat but life seem to be unfair to you. Why is life that unfair to you? God must be partial? No, a million time no. God is not partial and sometimes, when it seems as if life is unfair, at that very moment and in that very situation of unfairness, an opportunity is hidden. You need to pray to God to see the hidden opportunity, because it is always there lying hidden at the back of every problem. When you struggle physically, and use all your physical strength to get the work done and you fail, it is because there are some things you are doing wrongly.

Monday, September 5, 2016

Why You Need To Succeed At All Cost

The scientist says that the observable universe is expanding everyday. The magnitude of the universe is mind blowing, but yet it is getting bigger. The purpose of God is for everything He created to increase, He said, be fruitful and multiply. He said this not only to man but every living thing that He made. Increase is a major factor of life, if you plant a tiny orange tree, it springs to life and start growing until the time it will bring forth fruits bearing millions of seeds that have the same potential to be another big tree. The cycle never ends.

Let nobody deceive you that scarcity is coming to the earth, and soon, food will be scarce and people will not have enough food. This is a great lie and it comes straight from the demon of poverty. The resources on the earth is vast, and increasing, we can't exhaust it. All of life is evolving to become better and bigger. When I was a kid, we could count the number of people who had TV in my area, right now almost every household have an average of two. The number of cell phones is increasing daily, motor vehicles are increasing in number that in some good countries, a cleaner can afford to buy his own car.

Friday, September 2, 2016

What is Problem? Knowing What Problem Is And How To Solve It

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Problem is the very difficult situations and circumstances that we find ourselves and to which need urgent and desperate solution. When we struggle hard but failed to get the desired solution, then it becomes a real problem. Problems differ from one person to another, what one sees as a problem may be nothing but a child's play to another fellow. Problem is not just the difficulties of life but those difficulties to which we cannot find immediate solutions. While challenges are situations that we can overcome with some intelligent planning and actions, problems are often more difficult than those challenges. When a problem is easily solvable, it is still at the level of challenges, but when you have tried some of the popular ways of solving problems and you still have the situations in hand, then know that problem have set in.

Please understand that not every difficult situation can be called a problem, no mater how difficult the situation is, it is not a problem if you can find immediate solution to it. When the difficulties defile solutions and it seem as if it will not go away, then it is a problem, but I bet you every of such problems have a solution. There is no problem that does not have solution, even though it  is not so easy to get solution to some, God built the earth with some principles that make it possible for human beings to be able to find solution to every problem that he faces on the face of the earth. This is the reason man who couldn't deal with malaria fever before can now cure the disease easily now. HIV & AIDS that were threats to human longevity on earth are becoming easy to deal with. I want you to understand that whenever a problem defile solution, it is not the end of the world, with further planning and actions, you will get the solution.

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Whatever You Need Is Already Provided For On Earth

The creator of this earth, meaning our worlds is a very wise and intelligent being. He created everything once and for all, and sat down to watch his creation develop the world that he created for them for His own good pleasure. We are all alike, yet we are different, nobody is a carbon copy of the other, we are all so unique that nobody can do what God has sent us here to accomplish. The earth is full of different creatures and beings, living and non-living things; everything working together in harmony to keep the earth going. This implies that whatsoever you see on the planet is either a living or non-living thing.

God's wisdom in creating this world is glaring that every non-living thing was created to serve the living things, and some living things to serve other living things when their lives here expires. Some of the non-living things behave in certain ways that you may think that they are living so as to continue to help the living things live long and fulfill their mandate on earth.